Play Fair 2008 calls upon the International Olympics Committee to:

  • Make it a condition for future Olympic games events that the host country must have ratified, implemented and respected the core ILO conventions
  • Require that, as a contractual condition in its licensing, sponsorship and marketing agreements, labour practices and working conditions involved in the production of IOC branded products comply with internationally recognized labour standards
  • Commit resources to undertake proactive investigations of working conditions and to establish mechanisms for ending abusive and exploitative labour practices in IOC and NOC supply chains, including substantiated complaints.
  • Commit to promoting publicly the necessity to end the exploitation and abuse involved in the sportswear and athletic footwear industries.
  • Ensure that respect for workers rights is an integral part of the Olympic Charter and of the IOC Code of Ethics.
  • Support efforts to ensure respect for workers’ rights in other aspects of Games-related employment.

Play Fair 2008 calls upon National Olympics Committees (NOCs) and the  Organising Committees of the Olympic Games (OCOGs)  to:

  • Work through the IOC to put in place mechanisms for ending abusive and exploitative practices as described above.
  • Use their influence on companies operating in their country and national team sponsors to push for the campaign demands.
  • Require that the NOC and OCOG publicly discloses companies with which it has licensing, sponsorship and marketing agreements.
  • Require that, as a contractual condition in its licensing, sponsorship and marketing agreements with companies, that they publicly disclose their production locations and ensure that labour practices and working conditions involved in the production of NOC and OCOG branded products comply with internationally recognized labour standards.